Biopic Elvis. Hanks, who has returned to finish filming an Elvis biopic on the Gold Coast, was taken straight into hotel quarantine after flying into the state on a private jet on Tuesday night. Baz Luhrman has been on a long search to find the right actor that will portray Elvis Presley in his new biopic which stars Tom Hanks as Col.
Clap de départ pour le tournage du biopic sur Elvis. "Comme aimait le dire Elvis, nous reprenons nos affaires en main!", a indiqué le cinéaste australien, dans un message relayé par Variety.
Austin Butler will play Elvis Presley in Baz Luhrmann's biopic.
The musical drama details the life of legendary rockstar Elvis Presley, with American actor Austin Butler set to Pictured, filmmaker Baz Luhrmann on the film's set. En effet, voilà des mois que l'on sait qu'il prépare un biopic sur l'une des plus grandes icônes de la musique : Elvis. Baz Luhrmann's upcoming biopic about Elvis Presley is kicking up production once again, as Tom Hanks returns to Australia.